“Gold in the Ranges: Jamieson to Woods Point” by Brian Lloyd, page 47, ISBN 0957 8430 4 6.
Item Number: 1148
Morning Star Hill, Woods Point – 1864 – Wood engraving by Frederick Gosse. Contemporary sketch of crushing machines on Morning Star Creek in 1864, looking East. Foreground: Age of Progress (Scott & Hurley) 15-head machine and 27-foot waterwheel. Centre: Morning Star Prospecting Claim (McDougall’s) No 1 & 2 Machines, 8 and 12-head, 20 and 25-foot waterwheels. Distance: No 1 & 2 North (Scott & Hurley), using McDougall No 4 machine, 16 head with 30-foot waterwheel. These machines crushed the riches from the reefs of early years of Morning Star Hill on the left. Information taken from: “Gold in the Ranges: Jamieson to Woods Point” by Brian Lloyd, page 47, ISBN 0957 8430 4 6.