Our collection includes material produced and published by HCHH organisations and references to externally produced publications that have relevance or make reference to the High Country.
The Publication Collection includes links to books on TROVE, the National Library of Australia's online library database, that cover a wide range of subjects including: Aborigines, Bush Poetry, Bushfires, Bushwalking, Ecology, Environment, Gippsland, History & Culture, Horses, Huts, Merrijig, Mittagundi, Mountain Cattlemen, Wombats, Wonnangatta.
While the HCHH does not hold copies of the non HCHH published material, we provide a reference and link to the item in TROVE.
The collection also includes digitised copies of the Voice of The Mountains, Journal of The Mountain Cattlemen's of Victoria's, from 1972. The journal is a rich source of historical information about the Organisation and it's members.