Photograph showing group at the Howes Creek Picnic
Item Number: 2699
Photograph showing group at the Howes Creek Picnic circa 1900. Third from left Maggie Maud; lady with glasses (fifth person from left) Mary Gough; man on right – Mr Osmond – school teacher. (Head teacher was Miss A. Osborne – reference below) Also reference “Mansfield Historical Society Magazine” School Feature November 1986 page 13: Howe’s Creek SS3483 “Mr John Ross donated a three acre site for a school at Howe’s Creek in 1902. Constructed with local effort a school building was erected and school opened on July 27, 1904, working part time with Loyola. The head teacher was Miss A. Osborne. Extensions were added in 1905, the school working full time until 1907. Purchased from Mr W. Griffiths was a three acre block of land and the Loyola school was moved to that site, the location being more convenient for both schools. The building at Howe’s Creek was not moved but was rented to a family as a residence.”