HCHH Collection Policy



Victoria’s High Country can be defined as the area encompassing Mansfield, Bright, Corryong, Omeo, Bairnsdale, Heyfield and Woods Point.

The HCHH Collections are a representative record of Victoria’s High Country, it’s people, places, events, history, society and culture.

The HCHH aspires to build a rich collection of digital resources that enable learning, research and understanding of the Victorian High Country.

By collecting and cataloguing records relevant to the history of the Victorian High Country, in digital forms, they can be accessible to current and future generations.

The HCHH collects materials reactively, responding to opportunity, rather than according to systematic planning. It is envisaged local people that hold personal and family histories will entrust the HCHH to digitise and catalogue their memories for the wider Australian community.

The HCHH comprises 3 main collections from:

o   The Mountain Cattlemen’s Association of Victoria Inc

o   Mansfield Historical Society

o   Merrijig Public Hall Inc

It is envisaged that the histories of other community groups (for example Mansfield Pastoral and Agricultural Society and the Mansfield and District Racing Club) could also be added.  The Mansfield Rotary Club has expressed interest in use of the project as they have lost significant parts of their history.


The Mountain Cattlemen’s Association of Victoria Inc collection comprises the following original format material:

  • Books that have relevance or make reference to the High Country
  • Newspaper & Journal articles that have relevance or make reference to the High Country
  • Journals produced by The MCAV
  • Publications produced by The MCAV
  • Newsletters produced by The MCAV
  • Meeting Minutes of The MCAV
  • Press Releases produced by The MCAV
  • Correspondence Inwards and outwards
  • Submissions, Reports & Position Papers
  • Speeches & Presentations
  • Photographs including from private/personal collections
  • Videos
  • Oral Histories

The material derives from Mountain Cattlemen families and The Mountain Cattlemen’s Association of Victoria Inc Archives stored in a Container in Gippsland. Material has also been sourced by Graeme Stoney, Executive Officer MCAV.

Items are received, appraised and catalogued into the HCHH InMagic database. At regular defined dates, the ‘new’ items will be exported and uploaded into the HCHH website database.


The Mansfield Historical Society (MHS) collection comprises the following original format material:

  • Photographs.


Photographs are received at the MHS and catalogued into the MHS in-house InMagic database. At regular defined dates, the ‘new’ items will be exported and uploaded into the HCHH website database.

At the time of project launch, only photographs were managed in the MHS InMagic database. Future plans include having the extensive map collection scanned and catalogued. These items will become part of the regular export and upload program and will be made available via the HCHH website database.


The Merrijig Public Hall Inc collection comprises the following original format material:

  • Meeting Minutes
  • Correspondence
  • Photographs


The Mansfield Historical Society has the ongoing responsibility of determining what material is appropriate to include in the HCHH Collection.


The HCHH acts in accordance with the wishes of donors and creators and respects privacy, copyright, intellectual and moral rights, while making collections as open and accessible as possible for research


v1 March 2018